

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

M1 Enseignement préparation CAPES COMPOSITION

Just a reminder as to how this class is going to work. Everyone will need a mark at the end to count for your UE for the master's degree. There are two ways of getting this

1) Some students will do an exposé in class, where they will present orally what they would have written in the written exam. After I have commented the exposé, the student writes  up an improved version taking note of my comments. This new version will be the basis of their mark.

All students prepare each week the documents which will form the basis of the exposé. This allows you to revise a wide range of subjects. I know I am repeating myself, but students who do not succeed at this exam do not generally fall down on methodology, but because they do not know enough history and civilization. Every opportunity should be taken to learn more - TV, radio, newspapers, books, museums, podcasts etc.

2) Students who have not done an exposé will do a written homework comparative commentary, which they will return to me both on paper and by email in RTF format at the very beginning of January.


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